【IT领航谈】成就智能联网:首推 AI Wi-Fi 托管服务
来源: | 作者:HKBN JOS | 发布时间: 2024-01-19 | 1397 次浏览 | 分享到:


Martin 在技术方案的技术开发及市场战略规划经验丰富,曾成功领导多个科技基建项目,项目遍布香港、澳门及其他东盟市场,备受行业推崇。凭借其于科技界超过20年的经验,他为我们注入独特见解及专业知识,并带领超过100名技术专家,为各种规模的企业提供数码方案。

 香港宽频企业方案在本地首推 AI Wi-Fi 托管服务 

Wi-Fi 需求持续急升,其部署过程愈见复杂,企业同时亦面对网络效能管理上的挑战,然而专业的 IT 人才短缺,令许多问题无法妥善处理。为了打破此困局,香港宽频企业方案与领先人工智能(AI)与科技创新厂商 RUCKUS Networks 联手,推出以 AI 驱动的解决方案,减轻日常管理负担之余,亦能提升系统可见性,同时为任何规模的企业优化节能。

 RUCKUS AI 在科技创新的领导地位 

香港宽频企业方案认识到人工智能和技术创新在解决Wi-Fi 网络管理复杂性方面发挥了关键作用。RUCKUS Networks 在 AI 技术开发领域拥有卓越的成就,处于行业领先地位。透过与该公司合作,香港宽频企业方案可凭借他们的专业知识与技术优势,将行业顶尖 AI 科技,引进至本地企业的 Wi-Fi 管理环境。


RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi 托管服务:

RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi 托管服务为客户带来众多好处,提升网络性能、无缝用户体验、简化管理、主动故障排除与强大安全性。通过减少 IT 专业人员管理负担,企业能专注战略性及更重要的工作。



AI 平台会持续分析网络状况,适应变化并优化覆盖、容量和客户端连接。这样确保即便在高密度环境下,也能达到最佳网络性能与效率,为企业提升可靠与稳定的 Wi-Fi 连接。



RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi 会根据实时网络使用分析,让关键应用和重要设备优先使用网络资源。即使在繁忙的办公环境或拥挤的公共场所,用户同样可透过稳定流畅 Wi-Fi 连接,享受无缝网络浏览体验。



透过 AI 推动的自动化工作,覆盖包括问题侦测、诊断、优化建议等任务,简化网络管理工作。主动故障排除与自动修复能力,亦能缩短停机时间,确保连接不中断。



RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi 融合了先进的加密协议、身份验证机制和威胁防御功能,可保护网络并防止未经授权的访问和潜在的网络威胁, 企业可以放心其 Wi-Fi 网络的安全性。


该解决方案支持从小企业到大型组织的广泛部署场景,并且在体育场馆、校园和公共场所等高密度环境中表现出色。构建于先进技术与标准,RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi 在照顾新兴科技趋势与创新同时,亦兼容未来标准,保障企业在无线网络上投资的每一分钱。




由香港宽频企业方案引进的 RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi 托管服务,深化两大行业领导者之间的策略性合作。借着 RUCKUS 在 AI 与科技创新上的领先优势,香港宽频企业方案以客为先,为本地带来顶尖 AI Wi-Fi 管理平台,让企业享受包括网络性能优化、无缝用户体验、简化管理、主动故障排除、强大安全性、可扩展性和有价值的分析工具。通过这项创新应用,香港宽频企业方案与 RUCKUS Networks 联手为本地企业赋能,让他们走在数码时代前线,解放生产力与推动业务成功。


Empowering Intelligent Connectivity: HKBNES as the First Service Provider Launching AI Managed Wi-Fi

As the demand for Wi-Fi continues to grow exponentially and deployments become increasingly complex, businesses face the challenge of managing their networks effectively. However, there is a shortage of IT professionals in Hong Kong to meet the rising demand. To address these challenges, HKBN Enterprise Solutions has partnered with RUCKUS Networks, renowned for their leadership in AI and technology innovation, to introduce an AI-powered solution that alleviates the management burden, provides enhanced visibility, and delivers energy-saving optimization for enterprises of all sizes.

RUCKUS' AI and Technology Innovation Leadership

HKBN Enterprise Solutions recognizes the critical role that AI and technology innovation play in addressing the complexities of managing Wi-Fi networks. RUCKUS Networks, with their impressive achievements in AI technology development, stands out as an industry leader in this domain. By partnering with RUCKUS, HKBN Enterprise Solutions can leverage their expertise and advantage to bring cutting-edge AI capabilities to Wi-Fi management in Hong Kong.


Customer Benefits of RUCKUS AI Power Managed Wi-Fi

The RUCKUS AI Power Managed Wi-Fi solution offers a wide range of benefits to customers, empowering them with enhanced network performance, seamless user experiences, simplified management, proactive troubleshooting, and robust security. By offloading the management burden from IT professionals, businesses can focus on strategic initiatives and higher-value tasks. Let's explore the key benefits in more detail:


Enhanced Network Performance: The AI-enabled platform continuously analyzes network conditions, adapts to changes, and optimizes coverage, capacity, and client connections. This ensures maximum network performance and efficiency, even in high-density environments, providing businesses with a reliable and consistent Wi-Fi connection.


Seamless User Experience: RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi prioritizes critical applications and devices based on real-time analysis of network traffic patterns. Users can enjoy a seamless browsing experience with a stable and smooth Wi-Fi connection that adapts to their needs, even in bustling office environments or crowded public venues.


Simplified Network Management: The AI-powered capabilities automate tasks such as issue detection, diagnosis, and optimization recommendations, simplifying network management for administrators. Proactive troubleshooting and self-healing capabilities minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted connectivity.

Robust Security: RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi incorporates advanced encryption protocols, authntication mechanisms, and threat prevention capabilities to safeguard the network and protect against unauthorized access and potential cyber threats. Businesses can have peace of mind in the security of their Wi-Fi network.


Scalability and Future-Proofing: The solution supports a wide range of deployment scenarios, from small enterprises to large organizations, and outperforms in high-density environments like stadiums, campuses, and public venues. Built on advanced technologies and standards, RUCKUS AI Wi-Fi ensures compatibility with emerging trends and innovations, future-proofing organizations' investment in wireless networking.


Analytics and Insights: The solution provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, enabling administrators to gain valuable insights into network performance, user behavior, and application usage. These insights can be leveraged for capacity planning, troubleshooting, and optimizing network resources, facilitating informed decision-making.



The launch of the RUCKUS AI Power Managed Wi-Fi solution by HKBN Enterprise Solutions showcases the strategic collaboration between two industry leaders. By leveraging RUCKUS' AI and technology innovation leadership, HKBN Enterprise Solutions brings cutting-edge AI capabilities to Wi-Fi management in Hong Kong, delivering a host of customer benefits. Businesses can enjoy enhanced network performance, seamless user experiences, simplified management, proactive troubleshooting, robust security, scalability, and valuable analytics tools. With this innovative solution, HKBN Enterprise Solutions and RUCKUS Networks empower enterprises in Hong Kong to stay ahead in the digital era, unlock efficient productivity, and drive business success.



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